Welcome to the Maryland State Questers Website
What is a Quester???
The Holy Grail - It's fun to search and a joy to find!
You may not be Indiana Jones or a Knight of the Round Table but if you are in search of knowledge and love history you are likely a Quester. Do you often visit state and national monuments and local museums? Do you slow down to read roadside historical markers? Do you stop at antique shops just to browse and perhaps find a special item for your collection? Do you enjoy learning something new and sharing it with others? If you answer yes to any of these questions, you are already questing. So why not join with others who like doing the same things?
THE QUESTERS Organization
THE QUESTERS is an international non-profit organization founded by Jessie Elizabeth Bardens in 1944. Our goals are to stimulate an appreciation of history through study and research and to encourage and support the preservation and restoration of historical artifacts and landmarks. As part of this effort, THE QUESTERS provides both a scholarship to Columbia University and a fellowship to the University of Delaware/Winterthur. We have chapters throughout the United States and in Canada. Our Headquarters is located on Quince Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The headquarters building, erected in 1802, is of the Federal period. Today, it provides space for an administrative office, the Bardens Memorial Library and reception and sitting rooms for members' use.
Quester Headquarters Our Founder
Questers keep history alive through education, preservation and restoration!